Getting started!

The first time I bought a bottle of resin, it sat in a cupboard for almost a year. Actually, it sat inside a cupboard that was inside my shed.. because of how badly it smelled! This was the first time I had come across the odour of resin and I just assumed from then that all resin had a smell (I was wrong!)
The first experience I had with resin was a disaster if I'm honest. I had no weighing scales, and pretty much guessed how to mix the 2 parts. The instructions were confusing, the gloves I had on were miles too big for my hands and every time even a smidge of glove touched something else, it would become stuck to my hand... oh and have I mentioned the smell?
I can remember waiting 1 day.. 2 days.. 3 days.. and even then my resin hadn't quite set! It was sticky and kind of bendy, and not very good at all! Now looking back, I had definitely not mixed the 2 parts correctly! And I'm almost certain that after a year of being in a hot stuffy shed, the resin had gone off. That, and the belief that it may have been a bit crappy anyway!
But fear not, the next lot of resin I had was a million times better! I have learned that you can in fact get odourless resin, and these instructions were so easy to follow that even I could do it.
Over time I have become reliant upon certain tools to help me while working with resin. They're not expensive and you may even have them in your house already. Now these are what I myself choose to use, and it may be that you decide to use a different tool altogether. The important part is finding what works best for YOU and what will make things easier for you while working.


Weighing scales - scales are important, but you don't need anything fancy. I got myself a cheap set of kitchen scales, something that can measure in grams, and I think I only paid something like £6 for them off eBay. Because the resin I use is mixed by weight, I needed scales that measured down to 0.01 grams to be sure I had a more accurate reading when weighing out both parts of the resin. 

Plastic tubs/container - You will need some small little pots or tubs to mix the resin in. The Tupperware type are fine, something small so it's easier to mix in. For super small projects a little mouthwash cap sized pot would be better.

Wooden lollypop sticks - I bought a big load of these, as they are so handy for working with resin. They are great when mixing the 2 parts, and also when pouring into molds or using them as a kind of scoop.

Wooden toothpicks - I can't do any work without these! They are the best for popping bubbles!!

Silicone moulds - You'll need molds, so have a quick google search for silicone molds or resin molds.

Resin - So the resin I use is epoxy resin, it comes in 2 parts. A and B. You can search online for a variety of resins which have different mixing instructions. Some mix by weight and others mix by volume.
The resin I use mixes 2:1, so I measure out (example- ) 100g of A, and then 50g of B. This resin is also UV resistant. I have got on so well with the brand I use that I've not changed to anything else. If you'd like to try this resin out then click here to be taken to their shop.

Protective mat - You'll need something to cover your work station, and be prepared to get messy. It doesn't always go everywhere but sometimes it can, so wear old clothing. Put down an old craft/cutting mat if you have one.

* S a f e t y  I n f o *
Please please read the instructions carefully set out by your resin manufacturer. All resins are different. Please be sure to check whether your resin is suitable to be used indoors or outside. Resins can produce toxic fumes, be safe and work in a well ventilated area. If you are new to resin then be safe and cover your area well, wear protective clothing and equipment if necessary. 

Until next time -
So that's everything I have in my toolkit, more will be added down the line depending on what you choose to work with.
If you have any questions regarding this subject please leave them below and I will do my best to answer!  ❤

Jane x


  1. Thank you for your advice..I'm just starting my resin adventure! I love to try new crafts and you have inspired me to try resin...

    1. Yaaay! Well that's amazing! There are lots of amazing tutorials on YouTube, so definitely check them out. Goodluck with it all and I hope you decide to pop back here :)

  2. is there a particular brand that doesn't smell, the one I've tried does

    1. I'm pretty sure there are a few well known brands. The one I use is Resin4Art, although I'm not too sure if that is even its brand name. There's anothers called Ice resin as well I think.. I will do a bit of research and add some of these into a new blog post

  3. I have just read this page, I'm so glad you have decided to help us with your blog. I have started to do little craft pieces and like you I suffer bad with anxiety and I to think it helps. I have bookmarked your page and can't wait to get started on a little resin project! Thank you 😊 x

  4. Hi Jane,

    Thank you for your blog and your amazing creations.
    I just have a question, I'm looking to make a dinner tray or something a little like your table top, I see you use epoxy epoxy resin, however I read online that you should perhaps use polyester resin for things like that? I'm really confused and could do with your advise on this.
    Thank you Jane x x


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